sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2017

Book Buying TAG

1. De unde iti cumperi cartile?

De cele mai multe ori le cumpar online , de pe diverse site-uri ,cum ar fi Elefant,Libris, Okian. In caz ca vreau o carte foarte mult si nu e tradusa la noi , o comand de pe Amazon sau Book Depository .
Se mai intampla ca o carte sa nu fie pe stoc(de cele mai multe ori) si asa ca o cumpar din Carturesti (chiar daca e putin mai scumpa)  .

2. Pre-comanzi vreodata carti ? Daca da, o faci online sau in magazin?

S-a intamplat chiar recent , fiind vorba de "Animale fantastice si unde le poti gasi" . Cu toate ca am vazut filmul ,eram foarte curioasa de carte , asa ca nu am mai avut rabdare sa apara. In rest , nu a mai fost vreo alta carte care sa-mi atraga atat de mult atentia incat sa o pre-comand.

3. Cam cate carti iti cumperi in fiecare luna?

Depinde de perioada anului . De exemplu , wishlist-ul meu e foarte mare si cand mai apar si carti noi devine foarte dificil, deci ajung sa cumpar si pana la 8-9 carti pe luna. Ce pot spune e ca nu exista luna in care sa nu cumpar macar una.

4. Mergi la biblioteca ?

Da, dar mai putin . Mai demult ma duceam foarte des , dar de cand am inceput sa imi cumpar cartile ,trec doar de cateva ori pe luna.

5. Cum ti se par cartile second-hand ?

Mi se intampla sa cumpar carti si de la anticariate . Imi place mirosul cartilor vechi .

6. Care este parerea ta despre imprumutatul cartilor de la biblioteca?

Imi place sa merg la biblioteca , mai ales ca iti poti 'salva' din bani , dar partea rea este ca de obicei nu au carti noi .

7. Tii cartile pe care le citesti pe rafturi separate de celelalte?

Nu . Nici nu pot spune ca am o mare biblioteca in care sa le pot pune separat.

8. Planuiesti sa citesti toate cartile pe care le ai ?

Normal , doar ca timpul ma impiedica uneori sa le citesc la timp ,plus ca mereu imi cumpar carti noi , asa ca nu stiu cand o sa ajung la zi cu toate.

9. Ce faci cu cartile pe care crezi ca n-o sa le mai citesti?

Le daruiesc cuiva , asta doar daca sunt foarte sigura ca nu le voi citi. In general sunt foarte atasata de cartile mele , asa ca le pastrez pe majoritatea.

10. Simti ca ai cumpara prea multe carti? 

Nu .. " you can never have enough books ".

duminică, 27 noiembrie 2016

The Literary Dinner Party Tag

I found this lovely tag on The Fictional Universe made by Dweenie . You find her answers here .

In this tag, you're hosting a dinner party. You can invite any character you want, but there are 10 different categories you need to fill, and there are only room for 11 people:

1. A character who cooks / likes to cook .

The very first character that springs to mind here is Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games by Suzzane Collins . He is a baker , so ... 

2. A character who has enough money to finance the party .

That is definitely Dorian from Throne of Glass . He is a prince , so he has enough money .

3. A character that might cause a scene .

Rachel from The girl on the train , because make bad decisions when she is drunk .

4. A character that is funny .

I'd like to invite Levana Blackburn from The Lunar Chronicles . She make me laugh so bad .

5. A character that is super popular .

Rhiannon from Every day . It's a very popular girl .

6. A villain .

Certainly , Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter .

7. A couple that is not too romantic .

Hmm , Jace and Clary from The mortal instruments . I think they match here .

8. A hero or a heroine .

Katniss Everdeen . Need I say any more ?

9. An underrated character .

Cam from Fallen . I think he's intelligence is underrated . I mean he is a smart and charismatic boy .

10. A character of your own choosing .

Tessa Gray from The infernal devices . She is pretty and she is my favorite .

And that’s it .Let me know who you would choose or feel free to do this tag :) .

duminică, 13 noiembrie 2016

Review Me before you by Jojo Moyes

Title : Me before you
Author : Jojo Moyes
Published by Pamela Dorman Books/Viking
Genre : Adult novel; Realistic fiction
Goodreads rating :  Star FullStar FullStar FullStar FullStar Full

Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.
What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.
Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that.
What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time.

I wanted to read this book when I heard that will be made a movie . I'm the kind of person who likes to read first the book , after  seeing the movie. I decided to read it without seeing any review and I think that was a good decision.First I want to say that I liked very much the main characters . I love his Will sarcasm and the conversation full of black humor that are between they . It was interesting the relationship that has built with Lou .Lou, the main female character is a girl that I liked a lot,she tried a lot to help the Will and stayed next to him, this clearly impressed me , so Lou is wonderful in my opinion . The characters seem so real, and their evolution was evident during the story.
I cried and smiled throughout the book, it was full of heartbreak and hope , with all of this ,was a absolutely stunning love story. I really really loved this book. Me before you it is one of the books that captivated me and touched my soul.
The story of them went in a pleasant way, good dialogue and perfect moments . The writing was simple and so easy to fall into. I absolutely loved this novel .

I can't wait to read the second book to see what happens with the other characters . I really enjoyed it.  If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend you do.